Providing comprehensive cardiac care and peace of mind

Cardiac Catheterisation and Percutaneous Coronary Intervention
Cardiac catheterisation also known as a “coronary angiogram” is a specialised invasive procedure which involves the insertion of a cardiac catheter via your wrist or groin to your coronary arteries located at the aorta just above your heart.

What to expect:
This procedure involves injecting these coronary arteries directly with contrast dye whilst x-rays are emitted from the cathlab equipment enabling the cardiologist to “see” your arteries in real time.
If you are found to have severe coronary disease, in some instances, your cardiologist will be able to “fix” these blockages using guidewires, balloons and/or stents (PCI). Sometimes more information is required and other equipment may be used such as a pressure wire (FFR), intravascular ultrasound (IVUS) or optical coherance tomography (OCT). In some instances, severe or complex coronary artery disease cannot be fixed with stents and you may be referred to our Sydney based surgical colleagues for cardiac surgery.
Preparation for a diagnostic coronary angiography +/- PCI includes fasting from midnight (taking your usual medications with a small amount of water that morning is ok). You will need someone to drop you off and pick you up as you cannot drive after having sedation. If you have a stent implanted you will most likely stay overnight for observation before going home the next day.
Check in with the bookings clerk at PMBH if you are unsure of your appointment time or preparation requirements on: (02) 5524 2981.
What to bring:
- Current medications (including Webster pak if relevant)
- Any relevant paperwork
- Any recent pathology or radiology test results
- Overnight bag (in case you require an admission)