Providing comprehensive cardiac care and peace of mind

An “echo” or cardiac ultrasound is a specialised non-invasive test using ultrasound waves to create real time images of your heart’s valves and chambers, assessing their size and function. This allows your cardiologist to “see” if there are any abnormalities in your heart that may explain your symptoms or needs to be addressed during the consultation.

What to expect:
This non-invasive test is an ultrasound of your heart. It’s performed by moving a transducer across the chest to produce images of the chambers and valves within the heart.
This test generally takes less than 30 minutes to complete. You’ll be asked to lie on your left side, and briefly on your back.
What to bring:
- Valid referral from your GP or Specialist
- List of medications
- Any recent test results
- Patient Information Form
For your visit it is essential that you have a valid referral from your GP or other specialist.
To your appointment, please bring a detailed list of all current medications, including dosages, to your first appointment. If you have recent test results or relevant medical notes, please bring these also.
We’ll also ask you to complete a Patient Information Form. You may complete the form online, download a copy to complete and bring with you, or attend our rooms 15 minutes prior to your appointment and we can provide you with a printed copy to fill out.
What to wear:
Men: Comfortable clothing to allow for the transducer to be moved across your chest when performing testing.
Women: Two-piece loose fitting clothing to allow for the transducer to be moved across your chest when performing testing. A disposable gown / sheet will be provided for privacy.